Got A Chipped Or Broken Tooth? Here Is What You Can Do!

Dental accidents may happen at any time and to anyone. Suddenly chipping or breaking a tooth can be a traumatic experience. If you find yourself in such a situation, here is what you can do to alleviate the pain and avoid permanent damage.

Rinse Your Mouth:

After chipping or breaking a tooth, you should rinse your mouth with warm water immediately. This helps clearing away the dirt or blood and keeping the area clean. The leftover or a part of the broken tooth will also come away with a quick rinse.

Stop The Bleeding:

If the mishap to your mouth causes bleeding, simply apply pressure to that area with gauze or a clean towel as soon as possible. Heading towards a dental clinic Bundoora is important if you experience excessive bleeding. Continue reading “Got A Chipped Or Broken Tooth? Here Is What You Can Do!”