Can Protruding Teeth Cause Dental Issues? – Find Out!

Some people have naturally aligned straight teeth in a curved arch that adds extra beauty to their faces. Many have imperfections like teeth gaps, yellow teeth, crowded teeth, and protruded teeth. That’s why many flocks to dentists in Bundoora to correct their teeth imperfections to achieve a straight smile. However, tooth protrusion can negatively impact their appearance, confidence, and mental health.  Besides that, it can also damage your teeth if not corrected.  In today’s blog, let’s figure out how protruding teeth can impact your overall health.

Mouth Closure

Protruding teeth can make your ability to close your mouth. However, if it prevents you from closing your mouth, it can make your lower jaw recede and continue to misalign. This will also lead to mouth breathing and poor sleep. Sometimes, this may cause migraines, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate.

Difficulty In Eating And Speaking

When your teeth protrude, it may be hard to eat efficiently. If you have a hard time, chewing your favourite foods or having a meal with friends or family, you will be more likely to limit certain foods. This can affect your nutrition and impact your health. For adults and kids, protruding teeth can also cause speech problems like lisping, whistling, or mispronunciations of consonants.  It can be a real struggle for daily communication. It’s best to visit the dentist as soon as possible for orthodontic treatments and speech therapies.

Risk Of Teeth Injury

If your teeth stick out, they are more prone to trauma when you fall.  Cracked teeth and uneven teeth wear can also cause teeth biting or biting inside the cheek and cause injury to your mouth.  Patients suffer tooth injury from tooth grinding and clenching. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should check with the Bundoora dentists as soon as possible.

If you have teeth protrusion and want to resolve it, get teeth straightening treatments from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care at (03) 9466 7843 today.