What Does Your Tongue Tell About Your Oral Health? – Let’s Find Out!

When finding any issue in your health, you all look for differences in your body temperature, skin colour, energy, and blood pressure. Of all the things, you see and check, your tongue is one of the body parts you take for granted. The tongue plays a role in tasting and swallowing food, but you still don’t care about it. And, believe it or not, your dentist can determine the cause of your health issue by simply checking your tongue’s colour and oral health.  In today’s blog, let’s find out what our tongue colour says about your health.

White Layer On Tongue

Your tongue should be pink in colour, it means you are healthy.  However, if you don’t clean your tongue while brushing, the food residue will get settled on the tongue. It might be a yeast overgrowth that happens inside the oral cavity. It happens when you don’t brush your tongue like your teeth.

White Patches

White patches on the tongue indicate that you use excessive tobacco or smoke. It is better to visit a Bundoora dentist to check your health condition and rule out the possibility of oral cancer.

Red Tongue and Bumpy Patches

If your tongue looks red, it might be due to a deficiency such as folic acid or B-12. Just add B-12 vitamins to your diet or syrup to reduce the redness. If the tongue appears bumpy or textured, you might have a severe fever and need to take a pill or visit the doctor immediately.

Tender And Sore Tongue

Sometimes, your throat may feel numb or sore, and it shows up on your tongue. This is when you feel sensitive on one side or all over. You might have to check whether it’s a canker sore or meet a dentist.

Hairy Tongue

It may feel like you are biting a strand of hair on your tongue, and you might want to spit out. It is due to a protein buildup that forms inside. You can gently brush them off or use a scraper to scrap off the white protein layer.

Whether mild fever or serious, your dentist can help figure out the health issue and guide you with the right course of treatment. Follow your oral hygiene and take your oral and dental check-ups only from dentists at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care. For appointments, call (03) 9466 7843 today.

Can Protruding Teeth Cause Dental Issues? – Find Out!

Some people have naturally aligned straight teeth in a curved arch that adds extra beauty to their faces. Many have imperfections like teeth gaps, yellow teeth, crowded teeth, and protruded teeth. That’s why many flocks to dentists in Bundoora to correct their teeth imperfections to achieve a straight smile. However, tooth protrusion can negatively impact their appearance, confidence, and mental health.  Besides that, it can also damage your teeth if not corrected.  In today’s blog, let’s figure out how protruding teeth can impact your overall health.

Mouth Closure

Protruding teeth can make your ability to close your mouth. However, if it prevents you from closing your mouth, it can make your lower jaw recede and continue to misalign. This will also lead to mouth breathing and poor sleep. Sometimes, this may cause migraines, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate.

Difficulty In Eating And Speaking

When your teeth protrude, it may be hard to eat efficiently. If you have a hard time, chewing your favourite foods or having a meal with friends or family, you will be more likely to limit certain foods. This can affect your nutrition and impact your health. For adults and kids, protruding teeth can also cause speech problems like lisping, whistling, or mispronunciations of consonants.  It can be a real struggle for daily communication. It’s best to visit the dentist as soon as possible for orthodontic treatments and speech therapies.

Risk Of Teeth Injury

If your teeth stick out, they are more prone to trauma when you fall.  Cracked teeth and uneven teeth wear can also cause teeth biting or biting inside the cheek and cause injury to your mouth.  Patients suffer tooth injury from tooth grinding and clenching. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should check with the Bundoora dentists as soon as possible.

If you have teeth protrusion and want to resolve it, get teeth straightening treatments from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care at (03) 9466 7843 today.

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

Well, it may appear to be a simple question but it’s crucial to know that your oral hygiene tool has validity.  In some extreme cases, you need to replace the toothbrush sooner than you should. You need to realize that toothbrushes won’t last forever. Like how you change your worn-out shoes, clothes, and other things, you must change your toothbrush when the bristles have become frayed and dry. Though replacing a toothbrush purely depends on your usage and personal preferences, dentists Bundoora recommends having it replaced every three to four months. So before you brush, make sure to check the condition of your toothbrush.

When you don’t change your toothbrush, the cleaning becomes less effective; it may affect your dental health, causing infection.

Change Once In Three Months

Your toothbrush is the best cleaning tool that fights against disease-causing bacteria and prevents tooth decay and other dental issues. If you have been practicing brushing thrice a day, chances are that your toothbrush bristles may go weak soon. You must change the brush once in three months for effective cleaning. If you use an orthodontic toothbrush specified for braces, check with the dentist for replacements.

Sore Throat And Cold

If viral infections, strep throat, and sinuses are a concern to you, you may have to change the toothbrush every two months. No matter what, always clean your toothbrush in lukewarm water and keep the head stand upright in the container. Make sure it gets dried in the air and should not cover it in a plastic case or container as bacteria thrive well in a moist environment.

Don’t Keep Your Brushes In The Bathroom

If your bathroom is prone to water spillage, moisture can cause bacteria and molds to grow and buildup in the brush to avoid contamination.  Instead, you store your toothbrush in the drawer or storage cabinet and let them dry.

Remember, a healthy mouth needs a clean and new toothbrush to clean effectively. You can note down the date of your purchase and keep a reminder. So that you can get rid of the old ones in time to buy a new one and make your daily teeth cleaning effective.

If you have any other concerns like tartar buildup or tooth decay and want a quick solution, get teeth cleaning and whitening treatments from our expert dentists at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care.  For appointments, call (03) 9466 7843 today.

Should You Brush After Eating Or Before? – Find Out!

Ask any dentist, they will tell you that brushing and flossing twice is imperative for your oral health.  Brushing before bed and after getting to bed is the regular oral hygiene norm that everyone follows. However, brushing in the morning aids in many health benefits that you may not be aware of. When you don’t brush or floss or visit the dentist in Bundoora, the food residue will turn into tartar and weaken the teeth’s enamel. This leads to the cavity, plaque formation – a hardened layer, that slowly turns into tartar (Heavy buildup), and other serious dental problems. So if you are concerned about your oral health, make sure to keep up the oral hygiene and regular dental visits.

Dentists in Bundoora recommend that when you maintain healthy dental practices like brushing and flossing twice, visiting the dental clinic near you for teeth cleaning and whitening, and eating enamel-strengthening foods, your teeth will remain in good shape and look and will have a radiant smile.

Teeth Whitening


Why is brushing before your breakfast good?

  • Brushing before you eat your morning breakfast is highly recommended. When you are sleeping the food remains, and the germs and bacteria in your mouth start to damage the teeth and fill the air that surrounds your teeth. This smell affects your morning breath. And, when you wake up, you will have an unpleasant and mossy food smell emanating from your mouth. This is removed by brushing and flossing with fluoride-based toothpaste and mouthwash.
  • Also, brushing preps up your teeth and increases saliva production. Saliva helps digest foods easily. Moreover, saliva production will be high in the morning; it’s good to brush your teeth before you eat anything.
  • If you are planning to eat anything acidic, like citrus-based juice or coffee, or tea, make sure to eat after 30 minutes.
  • After you eat, make sure to rinse your mouth with water and use sugar-free and enamel-friendly chewing gum to chew to protect your teeth.

If you need further assistance or info about oral health practices, consult with our dentists from Greenwood Plenty Dental Care. To schedule an appointment, call (03) 9466 7843 today.

Dental Implant Aftercare Tips From Expert Dentists

Dental Implants are one of the most viable, natural-looking, and long-term replacement options. They remain a good choice for various tooth replacement cases. It is a multi-step procedure where the dentist Bundoora will inspect your teeth’s condition and insert titanium rods into the jawbone to support the dentures, crown, or bridges based on the requirements of the patient. However, the real struggle begins after you get the dental implants. Yes! Whether you have lost one or more teeth and had implants planted into your jawbone, regular teeth cleaning and maintaining good oral hygiene will help you heal faster with minimal discomfort. Because dental implants generally take about 6 months and more to heal completely. In today’s blog, we will discuss the aftercare tips you should follow after getting your implants.


Switch To Nylon Toothbrush

Once you got the implants, the first step is to change your toothbrush. Nylon toothbrush has soft bristles that are flexible and gentle on your implants. It can access all the hard-to-reach areas and efficiently cleans all the areas around the dental implants. It’s advisable to avoid metal or electric brushes to prevent scratches on the implants.

Avoid Abrasive Cleaning Products

People with dental implants must avoid abrasive cleaning products that contain fluoride or other chemicals. You can ask dentist Bundoora to recommend cleaning products like toothpaste, mouthwash, and other mouth care products. Also, people should avoid using cinnamon or mint-flavoured toothpaste as these can cause discomfort in their mouth.

Quit Smoking & Alcohol

Though alcohol & smoking is injurious to your health, they can be hazardous to your implants. Be it smoking or alcohol consumption, it can slow down your healing process & damage the implants.

Avoid Eating Sticky Foods

It can be tempting to eat your favourites after getting your dental implants. However, eating sticky foods will only ruin your implants and makes your teeth cleaning process harder. Foods like potato chips, nuts, ice cream, cakes, biscuits, meat, hard candies, carrots, apples, and any crunchy foods are harmful.

Visit Dentist Regularly

Dental implants can be successful and last for a lifetime if you maintain your oral hygiene and follow your dentist’s recommendations. However, oral health issues can vary from person to person and you need to visit dentists in Bundoora regularly for proper care.

Bottom Line

If you follow these aftercare instructions, you can heal easily in a short period and enhance your smile. However, if you are facing any issues or planning to get dental implants, visit Greenwood Plenty Dental Care. To schedule an appointment with us, call (03) 9466 7843 today.

Are Fluoride-based Tooth Pastes A Friend Or Foe? – Check Out!

If you’re keen on using safe dental products, you must always get the help of dentist Bundoora. We are talking about toothpaste & are glad that you’ve landed on the right page. Most of us are unaware of the toothpaste that we use and what they contains. We think it’s an essential product to keep our teeth clean and mouth fresh-smelling. When it comes to toothpaste, most of the toothpaste varieties have a mineral called Fluoride, it helps to strengthen the teeth and bids goodbye to dental cavities. Fluoride-based toothpaste was popular for years for treating cavities & for keeping your mouth clean, smelling better and stronger. If you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment or wearing metal braces, using dentist recommended toothpaste will help keep your teeth clean, healthy and good-smelling.

Dentist Viewbank


So, what is fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens teeth & prevents dental cavities & gives better health. However, when excessive fluoride consumption happens, it may be a threat to your health & come up with other side effects. Right from tap water to grapes & potatoes, they are consumed through various foods. So, when you have sensitive teeth, make sure to visit a dentist Bundoora to guide you.

 Is Fluoride Safe?

Fluoride is safe for use in toothpaste, gels & spray & it is good to use. Apart from consuming fluoride in small amounts, it should not be ingested into your body in huge concentrations. If you have children at home below ten years of age, make sure to hand them a toothpaste that contains a minimum of 1000ppm.

Using fluoride-free toothpaste with natural ingredients can be a good option as well as it helps to maintain the pH level of the mouth to limit bacterial growth & bad breath. While Fluoride-based toothpaste is a good bet for cavities and bone strength, it’s advisable to get recommendations on which cleaning products to rely on from a greenwood dentist.

Are you still undecided about which one to go? Schedule an appointment with dentist Bundoora at Greenwood Plenty Dental Care on (03) 9466 7843.

Should You Visit The Dentist During COVID-19?

As we’re in the grip of the pandemic, everything has changed the way we function and getting access to hospitals is now seems to be a threat due to infections. Moreover, dental clinics are no exception as it involves close contact with patients. Even before the pandemic has taken hold of our routine, it has been a standard safety protocol for dentists Bundoora and their team to use personal protective equipment like surgical masks, gloves, protective gear, and eye protection glasses to minimize the risk of infection from patients. With the newly enhanced COVID-19 safety guidelines, now it has become much safer than before.

When you want to visit a dentist, it’s essential to understand the dental emergency and check with the dentist whether a visit is required for you or not. In the event of extreme conditions like a swollen check, severe toothache, gum bleeding, or tooth sensitivity, your dentist may recommend you to visit the clinic to check further.

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Struggling With Tooth Sensitivity? – Here’s What You Need To Know!

Are you feeling discomfort whenever you taste chilled ice cream or a hot soup?  While pain caused by hot and cold foods is a sign of a cavity or decay that people with sensitive teeth often face. It can affect all the teeth and can lead to severe pain. Talking to dentist Bundoora and getting professional dental treatment can make a stop to your painful experience. If you are one of those people who struggle with teeth sensitivity, read on to know more.

So, what causes teeth sensitivity?

People with sensitivity have thin enamel than others. The enamel is the outer layer of the teeth that protects your teeth from sensitivity. When the enamel wears away, the nerves within the tooth are exposed and can cause tooth sensitivity. Many reasons can weaken your enamel such as,

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Things You Must Do Before Getting Braces For Your Teeth

Getting braces for your teeth is a good decision. Not only does it help improve your smile, but it also benefits you in numerous ways. If you have decided to get braces to align your teeth, visit an orthodontist near you. He/she will guide you through the steps and procedures for the treatment before you wear the braces. In case of any doubts or queries, you can always consult it with a reputed and experienced orthodontist. They’ll be able to address your concerns about teeth straightening, teeth whitening, treatment options and much more. In today’s blog post, we’re going to tell you what you need to do before getting your braces on. Let’s get started.

Clean Your Teeth

Brushing and flossing is not the only way to clean teeth. You must visit a general dentist for professional teeth clean up to ensure that your teeth and gums are clean and healthy before your braces are fitted. Also, once you have cleaned, make sure to keep them in good condition on the day you meet the dentist Bundoora.

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3 Ways To Get A Pearl White Teeth

Who doesn’t love a sparkling smile? Most people give more importance to white teeth than having straight teeth. Because white tooth improves your look and boosts confidence in many ways. Teeth whitening comes as a savior for those who deal with discoloration and stains. With so many teeth whitening options, Dentist Bundoora recommends the right whitening treatment for you. Over time exposure to foods such as coffee, red wine, and tobacco will darken your teeth. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that helps get rid of food stains and provides a clean and white look to your teeth. Many factors like diet, aging, and oral hygiene can lead to teeth yellowing and it can become difficult to get the pearl white teeth you want.

You can proactively follow steps to improve your smile and whiten your teeth. We have compiled the five best tips.

Avoid stain-causing foods

Sugary foods, beverages like red wine, coffee can stain your teeth. The tanning in your favorite beverage discolor your teeth. Also, the sugar in these foods feeds bacteria in the teeth and can lead to tooth decay. If cutting these tasty drinks is impossible for you, using a straw can be helpful. Straw can help the discoloring agents away from the teeth. However, brushing and flossing after consuming them can save your teeth from pigmentation.

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